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Election Day Town Hall

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The embattled executive held a town-hall on July 12 hosted by Secretary of State Lilith Eza-Ripley as no other member of the Governors Office attended, and Jack Burton, representing half of the current legislature as Tommy Merlin was absent from both this town hall and the prior Representatives meeting.

Questions about a possible impeachment of the Governor were met with open-ended responses, hanging in the balance depending on who gets elected in the on-going Special Election. Especially with some candidates promoting that they will open an impeachment inquiry as soon as they are sworn in.

Questions were also raised about the whereabouts of the governor, and if they had been seen in the last week. Eza-Ripley suggested that they were at home but was unable to elaborate further citing that they haven’t heard from Governor Bright-Starr.

The on-going criminal case against the Governor has seemingly led to a severe breakdown in how the San Andreas Government functions. With nominations suggested by Chief Justice, who is the alleged victim in the criminal case, going unanswered by the Executive for over a week now.

The Chief Justice has made several recommendations to the Executive Branch, but they have not yet been acknowledged. The request was made over a week ago.

Doc Hilliard, Associate Justice

Eza-Ripley, who was unaware of the recommendations before the meeting will now bring them to the Governor.

There were also questions about the unpopularity of the current government, with Wyatt McKenzie raising the fact that the latest Politipoll found a horrific drop in approval and performance.

A question was raised regarding the Speakership of the Legisature, which according to Representative Burton, remains vacant. It comes after a press release from Tommy Merlin where he suggested he would take up the role of Acting Speaker.

With the resignation of Representative Emilie Lilligard-Merino and barring no objections from Representative Burton I will take up the role of Acting Speaker of the Legislation as the role of Speaker is far too important to leave vacant until the vacant seats can be filled by the special election.

Tommy Merlin’s Press Release

The executive affirmed that the speakers chair was vacant and that any suggestion that Tommy Merlin was the acting-speaker could be ignored and disregarded.

The Blaine County Sheriffs Office announced it had raised $5,920 to construct the ‘Biggest US Flag.’ They also raised that it could be a ‘driving hazard’ but they weren’t so sure if it would be.

Multiple departments affirmed they are still hiring.

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