Another resignation has arrived at the desk of the embattled Governor, with their Chief of Staff Jade Storm resigning.
Ms Storm was only sworn in on the June 18, which was 18 days ago.
Jade Storm is just the latest person to resign from the 10th Congress, after the resignations of Speaker Emilie Lillegard-Marinio, Rep. Astra Lillegard-Marinio and Rep. Cassie Kendrick.
On Yeeter, replying to a yeet about this article the former chief-of-staff wrote:

Jade Storm
Yeah I left after getting thrown under the bus for an event I tried to help. Im not working for someone who leaves me in the dark and use me as a scapegoat

Jade Storm
I literally cried,felt hurt and upset knowing that I wasted my time and energy to find out its canceled hours after the event started. I wanted to help people. I wanted to see people have fun. But know what, PEOPLE CAME TOGETHER and made it happen!!
In a statement from the Secretary of State Lilith Eza-Ripley:
Chief of Staff Jade Storm officially resigned her position as Chief of Staff with the State of San Andreas as of July 5th, 2024. Ms. Storm has worked for the State of San Andreas as Chief of Staff starting on June 18th, 2024. We are grateful to have had the chance to get to know and work with her. I wish her the best in her future endeavors and thank her for her service.
Lilith Eza-Ripley, Secretary of State
Governor Bright-Starr remains in the precarious position of being on trial for multiple felonies, while also remaining as the Governor watching the Legislature and the political party she runs surrender from their roles, while members of the public have been calling for their immediate resignation.
The press release goes on to say that they are looking for a new Chief of Staff.
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