Governors Approval
Governor Key’s approval has continued its decline since the election, reaching a new low of 29.6%.
This general downturn has been prominent amongst those who didn’t vote in the last election, or voted for Becks Lawson.
In this poll, respondents rated Governor Key’s performance a
5.09 / 10
This is a decrease from the 5.13/10 reported on the 12th, and a decrease from the 5.69/10 reported just before the last election.
Instability inside the legislature and resignations inside the executive, especially with the resignation of the Secretary of State and Lieutenant Governor, continuing to impact the popularity of the second Key administration.
Legislature Approval and Satisfaction
Legislative approval has continued its decline, dropping to
3.64 / 10
This decline has continued mainly due to concerns about inactivity. There was a lot of praise for Representative Poole in the additional comments with respondents being 'grateful' and 'happy' with Poole's level of communication and responsiveness, however there was alot of concern about the absence of other members, including calling on absent representatives resignations and having a special election to replace them.
To quote one respondent
I've totally lost faith in their ability to respond to issues that matter to the people.
Politipoll Respondent
Additional Questions
Satisfaction with the departments has improved, especially in the Judiciary due to recent security changes following a murder which took place in the lobby of the Occupation St Courthouse.

Our survey also found that there has been a decrease in government trust since the last polling done on the 12th. Once again most of this can be attributed to popular/well known figures resigning.
There is also levels of concern about police running over civilians during police chases and not rendering aid. This concern was brought up during Sundays town hall.