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Politipoll: January 4th – 6th 2025

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Welcome to 2025, and welcome back to Politipoll! We hope you have a wonderful new year!

With an election scheduled, a political party established, and unprecedented approval, Barbant and the new Lighthouse Political Party are in a superb position to retake power in the February regular election.

With no immediate political threats, the next month will be a test to see if a competitor can establish themselves in time to dethrone the Lighthouse Party and the most popular governor San Andreas has ever seen.

The Governor and Legislature

Barbant’s approval continues to break records with 0% of respondents disapproving of the Governor and a record 89.6% approving of the Governor.

Governors Barbant’s first term has been unprecedented in nature, with record executive satisfaction, executive approval, government trust and department satisfaction across the board.

On the other hand, Legislative approval has stagnated in the wake of the developments that the legislature has been re-balanced back down to three seats, with some expressing concerns about the decline in representation.

Governor Satisfaction

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Legislative Satisfaction

Rating: 6 out of 10.

The Departments

Multiple departments have reached all-time highs, with Law Enforcement satisfaction reaching 47.9%, the Judiciary reaching 60.4% and the DoJ reaching 41.7% positive satisfaction.

These departments have been on a steady increase since Barbant came to power in October ’24.

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