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Politipoll: The most disastrous week for any government

Harry Kennedy Avatar

The San Andreas Government has been through a lot, from an economic collapse in 2022 to impeachments and other political shenanigans. However, no week as been as disastrous for any government than this one..

The Governor

A lot of anger, outrage and concern has been raised by members of the public in this polling and online via social media about the Governor’s charges, where they have been charged with a number of felonies after allegedly threatening members of the Judiciary with a firearm. That concern has been reflected in this polling with extremely low approval rating of only 8.9%.

To put that into context, the lowest recorded poll we have ever seen was on May 15th in 2022 under Governor Tod, with a result of 19.8%. This was just before an election which Governor Tod did not contest and mere weeks before the start of the Mutiny Crisis.

Breaking this record figure down by voting demographic we have found some striking results.

From our respondents we found that 63.6% of those who voted for Governor Bright-Starr disapprove of their Governor. Two weeks ago that number was at 6.7%.

An overwhelming 96.3% of those who voted for Liam Cavanagh disapprove of the governor and 86.7% of those who didn't vote at the last election disapprove of the Governor.

What we can confidently say is that this week, a overwhelming majority of citizens in the state, disapprove of their Governor.

Given the current circumstances, we asked respondents a couple of questions about the on-going situation.

There is majority support across all voting blocks about this topic.

To be clear, as of the publishing of this article, the Governor isn't resigning and doesn't need to from a legal standpoint. However there has been immense pressure from people in the public to stand aside after the last week of chaos the San Andreas Government has faced.

In the scenario where the line of succession would take place, Lieutenant Governor Quinn Lillegard-Marino would be next in line for the governorship. However we found that 64.6% would not support this move, with only 16.5% saying they would support it, and 19% remaining undecided.

Performance & Trust

Overall satisfaction for the Legislature has dropped significantly due to three resignations inside the legislature, triggering this weeks special election. There is also a significant drop in Governor performance satisfaction inline with their approval rating dropping.

Given all of this, trust in government remains near average with some citing the candidates of the election and the remaining representatives as proof that there are still "good people" with "good intentions" in government. Regardless of this, trust in government is at an abysmal 13.9%

57% of respondents agreed that State Representatives who resign prematurely in a term should be required to repay their salary. 84% of respondents agreed with the Legislature opening an inquiry into the 4th of July event catastrophe.



We have received a lot of comments about the events of this week from respondents. Here are a few.

When I voted for Governor Bright-Starr, I believed that we would be garnering a new governor that would "listen to the people" as that was the only actual campaign promise she made. Well, she reneged on that and has failed to even host an event correctly. She seems to be busy running around thinking that she is better than everyone else to actually fulfill her promises. She is a disgrace to this state and I thoroughly regret voting for her. Atleast the other guy wouldn't have gotten arrested within a month of being elected.

Our Governor admitted to multiple felonies in her own statement provided to Police, acting like she can defend her mailbox with deadly force? She's as incompetent as Governor as she was as a Lawyer if she doesn't understand Castle Doctrine, let alone using it on two Justices of the Supreme Court?

There is an abundance of cowardice from this current crop of elected officials. Charges brought against one person has led to 5 resignations, and now a party that promised to be with the people, and promised legislative bills immediately, will be a party known for dying a short death, and nothing to show for it, at the hands of incompetent, felonious leadership.

I voted for Ella Brightstar because she promised to be a change agent and get many things done that other people couldn't. since Getting elected all she's done is get into conflict with police and judges and laywers. all this conflict takes away from her job as governor and makes Her more unlikeable. its time for her to step down and let a more popular person take over since her friends in congress resigned and her chief of staff said Ella threw her under the Bus...

The problem is not the legislation, but the culture that's been sewn that allows for these governmental figures, ones that are at the very top of the state, to act out. There needs to be a more professional leadership, or quite possibly a third party. Because I voted for Bright-Starr because the opposition, despite having policies I liked, overall did not fit with my personal agenda. We need a proper set of leaders - not thugs in suits

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2 responses

  1. Owen Kandinsky Avatar
    Owen Kandinsky



    #DisarmThePolice #Owen2024

  2. Proud Sandy Resident Avatar
    Proud Sandy Resident

    This is our chance to secede from the union! Sandy Shores should carve out its own state and annex Harmony and Grapeseed. San Andreas has neglected us for too long!

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