Mirror Park erupts with gunfire

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Over the last weekend, a serious incident between the Black Lotus MC and Shogun broke out into a full on armed conflict, with multiple shootings across various locations in Mirror Park and the surrounding neighborhoods.

From what Shout News has been able to ascertain, In the video above, members wearing a Black Lotus MC vest were firing long-gun weapons down towards the Shadowcade complex on Popular St. As a result at least four people were injured and taken to hospital.

This was not the only shooting in the area, Shout News was able to verify at least two other incidents, one which occurred around Shadowcade, with guns being fired by drivers of multiple vehicles, and another near the Black Lotus MC compound in Mirror Park.

Shout News spoke with Hudson Welsh who said this all started because of a misunderstanding after member of the Shogun was misidentified and shot. We contacted Larry Tate for comment but they declined to speak to Shout News at this time.

We attempted to contact the Los Santos Police Department for comment on the day however no press officer or senior official was available.

This latest spat also made it onto the digital realm, with posts being sent back and forth, taunting leaders and members in the various groups.

Shout News understands that a number of Black Lotus MC and Shogun members have been injured as a result of this conflict.

5 responses

  1. G-Force Avatar

    Look ma’, we’re famous!

  2. Mak Calhoun Avatar


  3. Someone who isn't stupid. Avatar
    Someone who isn’t stupid.

    Getting new people to get involved in your war shows that you can’t handle your own shit. Black Lotus have the numbers and are more then happy to handle their own shit. Hiding out at another gangs turf cause you don’t want to fight, really shows how much of a pussy Hudson Welsh and his ‘gang’ are. I hope Hudson and his ‘gang’ get dropped over and over again

    1. FelinePartyIsShit Avatar

      You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. People were standing outside and got shot, granted they shouldn’t be there as there is a war going on. Who the fuck is hiding, I’ve seen Shoguns out and about. Blue Lotion have been sitting in their compound and pop up at Something Wocked when Shadowcade is open. You are stupid!

  4. Someone who isn't stupid. Avatar
    Someone who isn’t stupid.

    And, also, BRING A WAR TO YOUR BUSINESS….. ARE YOU STUPID?!?! Literally a dumbass

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