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DoCL closes forms after backlog piles up

Harry Kennedy Avatar

The Department of Commerce and Labor has confirmed that the organisation will not be accepting new business applications, relocation and transfer requests from August 1st onwards for the “foreseeable future.”

In a statement written by George Thoreau, a Senior Board member of the department, the Department explains why they are making this change.

Hello everyone,

This notice is to inform everyone that DoCL will be closed to new Business Applications, Premises Applications, Premises Relocations, and business and premises Transfers starting August 1st, for the foreseeable future.

This is to allow us to properly work through our backlog, and to focus attention on reworking areas of our operations that might need attention.

Any requests submitted by August 1st will be left in the queue to process. This closure will not affect any new invoice requests, system moves, or other more minor facets of our operation.

Your patience is appreciated while we work through our backlog!

George Thoreau, DoCL Senior Board Member

This isn’t the first time DoCL has closed their application process; however, the last time we are aware of was back in 2022 after the Mutiny hack wiped the departments computers and records.

The Department is reportedly still hiring for new employees, if you are interested in helping out please click here.

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4 responses

  1. Anonymous EX-Pat Avatar
    Anonymous EX-Pat

    Wasn’t one of Bill Smith’s campaign promises if he didn’t get elected as a State Rep (He didn’t) to join DoCL and clear their backlog in a matter of weeks? I guess this isn’t the case then? Lol.

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      Can’t exactly clear a backlog if new requests keep coming in anyway, regardless of if they join or not, think for a second.

  2. A guy with a bidness Avatar
    A guy with a bidness

    All this means is that the state will stagnate and not get new businesses in. Maybe if they had someone awake and on shift more than once or twice a month, for a critical city department, things might not have been so backlogged….

  3. Bill Smith Avatar
    Bill Smith

    It was actually to help out SAFA if they needed the help with more EU minded staff members.

    Never actually mentioned any such offer for DoCL.

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