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State Representative Kendrick steps down — is a special election incoming?

Becks Lawson Avatar

Update: A Special Election has been called for the 12th of July. Campaigning to commence soon.

Secretary of the Legislature Cassie Kendrick is stepping down from her position, according to an announcement at today’s town hall. The announcement comes approximately one month into the term of Governor Ella Bright-Starr. Kendrick was sworn in; her only publicly registered action as a state representative was voting “yes” on H.R. 388 – Renewed Transparency in Legislation of 2024.

Speaker Emilie Lillegard-Marino announced Ms. Kendrick’s resignation; she declined to specify the reasons behind the resignation in order to respect the privacy of her colleague. Generally, the policy is to kickstart a Special Election, in which members of the public may register and subsequently run for Kendrick’s vacant seat. Speaker Lillegard-Marino disclosed that she has initiated a conversation with the federal government.

Shout News will continue to track this story, and will share any information on an upcoming Special Election should one be called by the state.

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One response

  1. Anon Avatar

    No doubt another family member/friend of the Executive is going to step up to truly solidify their majority and ability to do whatever they want.

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