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Politipoll: First Thoughts of the 10th Congress

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Welcome back to Politipoll, and hello to the newly inaugurated 10th Congress. Here are initial thoughts coming from the citizens of San Andreas. There is a lot of data ahead, so brace yourselves.

Governors Approval

The 8th Governor of San Andreas has been inaugurated, receiving 53.8% of the vote in the last general election. While 3.8% above a majority is a win, it is only a slim majority, and that is what we are seeing with this initial polling.

There seems to be no honeymoon period for this 8th Governor, with approval already lower than anticipated at a result of only 33.3%. The additional disapproval originates from citizens who didn't vote in the election. The Governor's approval remains very high amongst their voting base.

There are other indications that this 10th Congress will be polarising. When to other governors that Politipoll has recorded, Ella starts with the highest level of disapproval, and the smallest amount of indecision.


Legislature satisfaction has increased to a high that hasn't been seen since the end of the 8th Congress while Governor satisfaction reaches an all time low, and the lowest start for a Governor we have recorded, once again indicating the polarisation that we have seen through the election, and with the previous approval polling.

The Legislature is starting at satisfaction levels higher than anything recorded in the 9th Congress.


Overall, satisfaction remains stagnant within the departments, however there are a couple of observations to make.

  1. Law Enforcement overall satisfaction has improved. We haven't seen this since the April of the year.
  2. Voters for Ella Bright-Starr were more likely to find departments less satisfactory than Liam Cavanagh voters.
  3. Trust in Government has increased back to levels the earliest days of the 9th Congress had.

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