With only a shift of 0.9%. Ella Bright-Starr remains the favourite pick for Governor as we head into the voting period of this election.
Based on our information, the Governor debate did little to changes peoples minds, with those attending showing the same results as those who didn’t attend or watched.
Polling only captures a slither of the voter base, so there is always a margin of error, especially before an election. Don’t forget to vote when the polls open at 8pm on Sunday.
In the Representatives race, Jack Burton has swooped in gaining an additional 20% of the first preference vote. Burton's early and dominating lead has completely collapsed multiple candidates odds at becoming a State Representative, condemning multiple to only survive on preferences. Astra Lillegård-Marino and Tommy Merlin have seen significant losses from our polling conducted only a few days ago.
While there has been significant changes in the first preferences, Astra Lillegård-Marino and Cassie Kendrick remain the best second pick with a lot of Jack Burton's second preferences heading to these two candidates.
Robert Muratori has increased their strong first preference, and remain a likely pick to become a representative.
Representative polling is tricky, and typically has a higher margin of error but there is some consensus in the public about their preferences.
9th Congress
As the ninth congress departs we asked the public one final time for their thoughts were about Governor Key, and the 9th Legislature of San Andreas.
Overall Damien Key's approval has slightly increased and satisfaction has also improved to levels not seen since late March.
The legislatures 'rating' has improved now that the contentious Gang Related Violence Act has been withdrawn from consideration. Aside from that the usual complaints about the 9th Congress persist.
Government trust remains stagnant, however there has been a reported drop in those who outright don't trust the government, continuing on the last fortnight's improvements.
Departmental Satisfaction
Overall, law rnforcement satisfaction hasn't shifted much in the last month weeks. However, our latest polling indicates a drop in the intensity of negativity towards police.
We have made a change to the satisfaction measure for the 'Justice System' spitting the Judiciary and DOJ into two separate categories. Because of this an interesting observation has been made.
Those who are 'very satisfied' about the Judiciary are very likely to be 'very unsatisfied' about the Department of Justice, and this is returned with respondents who were 'very satisfied' with the DOJ were 'very unsatisfied' with the Judiciary.

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