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Police Raid Cyprus Cold Storage Facility

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Around 10:00 PM on the 8th of March, local police, SWAT and the US Marshals initiated a raid on the Cyprus Cold Storage complex on Popular Street. For over two hours, police were present on the property seizing items being stored at the facility.

Shout News witnessed law enforcement search a number of storage containers.

In a statement, Corina Ivanova, General council for the US Marshals in San Andreas said.

At this time the United States Marshals Office nor any other Law Enforcement Agency that may have been involved, will not be making any comments on the warrant service that was conducted at the business known as Cyprus Cold Storage this evening…

If they had a locker at that storage facility and believe they have any items they are legally required to have returned they may reach out to the United States Marshals Service Office to discuss this.

Corina Ivanova, General Counsel USMS

Police brought out a number of items in boxes, from multiple storage units and transported them away. Its unclear what was inside the boxes.

After the raid concluded, a number of storage renters visited the site to check if their belongings had been taken. One of those renters was Jack Callow, who owns a fish market. He returned to the site after the raid to find that his cold storage was empty and all his fish had been taken.

There isn’t a single fucking fish in sight… I wasn’t made aware there was a raid, but then again I don’t own the place.

Jack Callow

Shout News understands that the owner of the property hasn’t been seen in a while, so it is unclear how the warrant was served to the owner. Its also unclear what the warrant was for, which storage units were searched, and if this is in connection to other investigations across the state. The US Marshals declined to comment on the nature of the warrant as a matter of confidentiality.

Even after the conclusion of any lingering matters related, the questions you are asking will not be answered as that information is privileged and will remain confidential.

Corina Ivanova, General Counsel USMS

If you have any information about this incident or any other situation that you would like to share anonymously, head to

Update: 9th March 2024. Jack Callow released a statement on Y following the raid.

A week and a half before the raid, i had nearly 300 fish in the freezer to supply the fish market, which I would rotate with fresher fish as I went along. Yesterday i went to go check my stock after not seeing it for a week, and it was locked down.

After the raid, I was informed everything inside the freezer was taken during the raid, and it was in fact empty. Which if my guess is right, would pretty much make the fish useless due to going from super cold to hot and not put back on ice.

Let me be clear. I don’t care it happened. What i care about is the loss of perfectly good and edible fish that could have been used to feed people. And the future of the freezer since now i’ll have nowhere to store fish when the market starts up.

At the end. I don’t care about the money, i care about the fish. i don’t care about the raid, i care about the fish. I’m not going to sue for the money, what i want is an apology for the needless loss of good fish. That is all.

Jack Callow on Y Social

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6 responses

  1. Poseidon's Army Avatar

    Give him his fish back…Or else.

  2. Concerned Angler Avatar
    Concerned Angler

    Sounds like another improperly exectuted warrant on behalf of the state. One might say they went on a fishing expidition.

  3. Unknown User Avatar
    Unknown User

    oh harry, drumming controversy without actually doing research. typical. you are often wrong and often dumb. if you were half the investigative journo you think you were, you’d have investigated why becks lawson’s site to keep her relevant during the election went down, a day later, this trash rag appears with much the same layout.

    even my dead beat ass can read the court cases and see there’s been a lot of rulings (some weird) about searching n stuff.

    1. Harry Kennedy Avatar

      Can confirm I DIDN’T build any websites during the election. but who do you think build this website hmmmmm?
      If you think you can do a better job, please, start a news company, or better yet, join us and prove that you can do journalism better!

    2. Mak Calhoun Avatar

      L Take

  4. unknown Avatar

    You know, typically, you’d have a warrant for just a single storage locker not the entire facility, considering that the entire company wouldn’t be invested in illegally selling storage units, and as Jack was storing fish, this is evident. Illegally in all essence “stealing” everyones assets from that location, when a targets search of a specific unit could have been done, could have major blowback on the police department. Maybe think better next time, and get a more targeted search warrant, and also DOJ and Judiciary do better before signing off on it, another lapse in our justice system once again…..

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