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U.S. President appoints Chris Stevens new BCSO head

Becks Lawson Avatar

In an entirely unprecedented move for San Andreas politics, the President himself has stepped in to overturn a recent legislative decision. Liam Cavanagh resigned as Sheriff of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, appointing Chris Stevens as Acting Sheriff. Governor Key posted the nomination papers to make the appointment permanent, and the legislature voted nay in a 3-1 decision. (Representative Evans voted yea, while Lilith Fox, Joanna Poole, and Emilie Paxton voted nay.)

In response, the President has released a statement overturning the legislature’s decision. While the federal government has occasionally weighed in on certain bills, usually to veto them, we have never seen such a show of force from Washington before. The President’s statement is replicated below.

President Reeves has briefly federalized the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, allowing them to pick the Sheriff without state approval. During this brief reign, Reeves established the position of Supreme Allied Sheriff Commander and appointed Chris Stevens to the position. President Reeves then relinquished control of the office back to the state. In a constitutional loophole, Reeves created a new office identical but legally distinct to Sheriff, before reverting back to the simple title of Sheriff.

Shout News recently sat down with then Acting Sheriff Chris Stevens to discuss the approach he hopes to take to the office, and our coverage will be released soon. We’ve reached out to Speaker Joanna Poole, Governor Damien Key, and Supreme Allied Sheriff Chris Stevens for comment and will update this article should they respond.

Update: On Y, the POTUS account posted a message.

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7 responses

    1. Thompson Avatar


  1. Leon Alexander Avatar
    Leon Alexander

    Aint gon lie. Didnt know our lovely state had its own president. Didnt know it was so important for this mr stevens to have the role of sheriff and that it was the presidents sole duty to put a person like him in charge when our own representatives voted nay in favor of him not being in that position. What is the point in having the citizens of san andreas heard if the first ever executive order is gonna come out out of nowhere and writing be so corrupt that it is questioned where this president is, in our state and if anyone has even seen them and what they actually do for our state. Is anyone else wanting to protest because of this seemingly corrupt decision? President who?

  2. Saw already too many good people emigrate for reasons like that Avatar
    Saw already too many good people emigrate for reasons like that

    So the people vote for their representatives. But instead of respecting the people´s voice, the elected government, patronage and favoritism overthrough the fair process. What a wonderful signal to the people of San Andreas.

  3. […] was recently appointed Sheriff by the President in an unprecedented move. It appears that he is already taking a proactive stance to the job. Shout News has reached out to […]

  4. […] and returned to the State of San Andreas. Shout News wrote about the resignation and the president’s Executive Order, so please read them for more […]

  5. […] San Andreas citizens supported, the United States President directly intervened in state-affairs by overruling the legislatures vote on the nomination of Sheriff Chris Stevens. This federal intervention, so close to an election, has run alarm bells for the citizens who […]

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