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Hail to the 9th Congress

Harry Kennedy Avatar

City Hall, Los Santos — School is back, and while the principal is the same, the legislature is full of new students.

Damien Key has successfully secured a second term in the first regular election of 2024, with a narrow 52.9% victory against departing legislator Becks Lawson. Damien Key and Gracie McCoy ran a campaign based on expanding upon their first term and communication.

New representative’s Lilith Stark, Emilie Paxton (unrelated to Former Representative and Governor Paxton) and Artemis Blackthorne were sworn in along returning Representative Joanna Poole, who served in the 5th Congress. According to a spokesperson, Representative Lucas Evans was sworn in, in-private sometime after the actual inauguration.

However, there is some controversy surrounding the automatic no-contest appointment of these legislators. As these new legislators automatically become State Representatives for the 9th Congress without contest due to a minimum of registrations.

This is the first time our states no-contest election policy has been put into effect, with every election at least having more candidates then open positions for the state legislature. Including the first one, which only had four candidates with three seats in contention.

This is the lowest candidate count for a regular election in recent history.

Some have questioned the automatic election rule, saying that it prevented the democratic process from taking place. While others have argued that its better to just have representatives sworn in, rather then having a another election.

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One response

  1. Mak Calhoun Avatar

    World’s most boring election fr

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