Welcome to Shout News, a premier news service dedicated to public interest journalism for the State of San Andreas!
Contact Us
We can be found at our offices on Power Street in South Los Santos, or out in the field.
Please call ahead if you wish to visit us.
Using the Secure Email or other methods are okay, including our tipline.
If you have a complaint or concern about an article or broadcast. Please use the following link and submit your complaint. https://forms.gle/2hYjs7KGE7XiN6dB9
If you wish to contribute financially, contact Harry Kennedy.
Employees – Full Time

Harry Kennedy
Journalist and Owner of SHOUT NEWS. Formerly of Weazel News and CNT.
Position: Founder, Editor
836 456 1631

Michael Warrener
Video Producer for SHOUT NEWS

Clayton Greene-Tugelbend
Video Producer for SHOUT NEWS