Aries | 3/21-4/19

This month, Aries, too much of a good thing might seem like a good thing. Someone you are dealing with or working with is a bit “over the top” in their personality, and right now it might be enjoyable. Even so, knowing your own limits to outrageous behavior, you might want to curtail the time you spend around this individual. Cut back a bit if you feel like you are on the edge of losing your temper. You have a strong personality yourself, and mixing your temperament with another fiery temperament could result in a volatile situation. Be aware of your own moods to maintain a good working connection.

Taurus | 4/20-5/20

A once satisfactory working situation has taken a turn down a path you did not expect, Taurus. Whether this is a personal or a business matter, you have the right to question it if it doesn’t feel right to you and it is not what you agreed to. The other party involved might have had an idea they think is wonderful, but it might not seem all that wonderful to you. Maybe you will approve if you learn more about it, and maybe you won’t. Either way, you should have a say in the matter, so speak up this month.

Gemini | 5/21-6/20

Even in the best of relationships, other people might have traits that irritate us. It is wise to overlook those things in lieu of the bigger picture. Everyone has flaws, but if their virtues outweigh their flaws, that can be the basis for a great connection and a wonderful relationship. Someone in your midst may be bugging you a lot this month. This is likely someone you know well, such as a close friend or a family member. When you get aggravated, just remember all the good this person brings to your life. Take a break if you need one, but don’t argue. It isn’t worth it.

Cancer | 6/21-7/22

This month is a great time to broaden your social horizons, Cancer. You are someone who needs a good flow of intellectual and creative stimulation to feel as vibrant as you can. You may have a tight but small inner circle of friends and family members that you see or talk with routinely, but infusing that wonderful circle with new personalities can be very good for you. For example, if you have neighbors you only wave hello to, invite one or two over for a visit. If someone at work seems interesting, buy them a coffee and chat. By expanding your social circle, you are expanding your own potential.

Leo | 7/23-8/22

An upcoming opportunity will allow you to present some of your best ideas this month, Leo. You may want to embark on a new venture, but you probably need help to make that happen. When you share your ideas, try to do so with flourish and excitement. The more passionate you feel, and the better you convey that feeling, the more likely you will be to draw your audience in to your wonderful ideas. With your charming personality and your warm persona, this should be easy to do.

Virgo | 8/23-9/22

If your reason for thinking about or reliving an old mistake is to learn from it, then by all means do so until you figure it out. However, Virgo, if it is to dwell in your regret or to punish yourself, then you must stop it immediately. You keep revisiting an old mistake or lapse of good judgment. You have very high standards, and you are quite hard on yourself when you don’t live up to them. Yet punishing yourself for something you have already learned from – something that can’t be undone – is a useless waste of your time and energy, and it’s unfair. Take the good from it. Learn the necessary lessons this month and move on.

Libra | 9/23-10/22

This month you keep drawing a line that someone else keeps crossing. You know that this is a fair boundary, Libra, yet this person doesn’t seem to think it’s fair. You are the judge of this – not anyone else – and if you feel that this person is taking advantage of you by completely disregarding what you want, then you will need to be more assertive as you express this. A pushy person is not easily put off, so be as clear and direct as you can be. You have the right to draw your own lines!

Scorpio | 10/23-11/21

You may be thinking that you won’t be able to make any changes to an existing agreement, even though you might begin to see that there are unsatisfactory elements to it. You may have made the agreement because it would result in something you wanted very much, overlooking those aspects that you did not like. Now this month you might feel stuck, Scorpio. You are not stuck. Don’t be afraid to speak up and share your ideas for making things much better. You have an aptitude for leadership and a strong capacity for organizing complex situations. What you suggest may be very impressive to decision-makers.

Sagittarius | 11/22-12/21

Some people are so stubbornly independent that they would rather take on an enormous task by themselves rather than admitting they need help and asking for it. That could easily describe you, Sagittarius! And this month, you may have a really big task to complete, but you want others to be impressed by your drive, your determination, and your ability to make it look easy. You can still do all that if you ask for help. Not only will a helper make your experience easier, you will also find it to be far more enjoyable, and your leadership abilities will surely impress.

Capricorn | 12/22-1/19

Someone in your world has lost the privilege of being treated respectfully by you. You may be disappointed by this person’s behavior or something unfair or irresponsible that they have done because it has affected you in a negative way. Even so, Capricorn, it isn’t your style to be disrespectful or unkind. You may be having a moment where vindication seems like a good idea, but deep down you know that isn’t true. Continue to be your best self this month, and this situation may yet right itself.

Aquarius | 1/20-2/18

A recent or upcoming financial windfall or an increase in your financial status may make you feel rather invincible, Aquarius. You might even think about going on a spending spree. You need to be careful about being too inclined to fritter away the money that flows to you. This month, you may want to make an investment or accept an opportunity that will require immediate access to cash. Conserving your resources is encouraged so that you don’t deplete what you have. Being able to do that could result in an outsized chance at success.

Pisces | 2/19-3/20

You are, most likely, a very trusting person, Pisces. You are open, kind-hearted, and empathic, which leads you to look for the best in other people. This often means that you trust without cynicism, even when you don’t know someone very well – and sometimes even when you have had issues with a person in the past, you still give them the benefit of the doubt. This month, you are encouraged to question someone’s motives. You may still be able to deal with them successfully, but you will need to better understand where they are coming from.