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Winifred Baker steps down as Secretary of State

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With the Gubernatorial term wrapping up, Secretary of State Winifred Baker has decided to step down from the role citing personal reasons.

In a statement yesterday, the outgoing Secretary of State thanked the citizens of San Andreas, and thanked the executive for the rewarding role. Ms Baker also praised the work of incoming Secretary of State Dr Jax Hendrix.

I have made many press releases for the office of the Governor since my hiring as Secretary of State and today I must give one very important to me personally. Serving in this role has been some of the most rewarding of my life and the trust that has been placed in me by the Executive and the people of our state will warm my soul for years to come.

However, when I agreed to assist in this administration it was with the understanding that I would only stay for this term. So, as we reach the end of our term, we now must make plans for a smooth transition.

Governor Barbant today will be posting a nomination for the new Secretary of State nominee, pending approval by the legislature: the current Chief of Staff Dr. Jax Hendrix.

In my time here I have seen first hand and been astonished by the level of competence, communication, and intelligence she brings to the table. There is not a shred of doubt in my mind of her ability to carry on the good work we have achieved in the coming days.

As for myself, if and when Dr. Hendrix is sworn in by the Legislature, I will be acting as Chief of Staff and allowing her to step up into my role. This is to ensure that there is ample time to completely solidify that transition before I step out of the Executive entirely to accept a job offer I have been extended as a Magistrate in the Judiciary.

I thank every single soul we have worked with and hope that the pattern that we have laid out may be used to ensure the future of our great state.

Incoming Secretary of State, Dr Jax Hendrix added onto the press release with the following quote

I want to thank our current Secretary of State Winifred Baker for all the work she has done as Secretary of State throughout this term, as well as the continual support and teaching she has and will give me.

She left some very big shoes to fill, but I look forward to the commitment and the challenge if seen fit to by our current legislative. I wish Miss Baker all the success and happiness in her journey through the judiciary, not only as a fellow executive member, but as a friend.

Shout News understands that the Executive Nomination for Dr Hendrix will pass without any contention.

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