Aries | 3/21-4/19

Have you been having trouble resolving a problem you have been struggling with for a while? Could it be that you are going to the wrong source or sources for help, Aries? If this has not occurred to you, it might be worth exploring this notion. You are a highly capable problem-solver, so if something isn’t working out, it might simply be because you are getting guidance that is wrong – or perhaps because you are not following good guidance that you are receiving. This is something worth looking into this month.

Taurus | 4/20-5/20

You are a very responsible person by nature. When you see that something is wrong, and you have the ability to fix it, you do. Sometimes when you try to fix things, Taurus, the responsibility is someone else’s because you believe in attaining order when you can. However, sometimes you take on guilt that does not belong to you. Over time that can weigh you down and hold you back from your own pursuits. Take time this month to look critically at what might be holding you back, and see that your most important responsibility right now is to free yourself of obligations that aren’t truly yours.

Gemini | 5/21-6/20

Following through on something you started recently will be very important to you this month, Gemini. You may have got a good head start on this, but you then went off in different directions. You can get distracted easily because you are always on alert, looking around for opportunities and remaining very aware of what’s going on around you. This month, you need to focus on an endeavor that you have put off, because relevant opportunities to complete this successfully are coming your way. Buckle down and get it done!

Cancer | 6/21-7/22

You have always dealt with the same difficult person in the same way, inevitably resulting in the same outcome. While this may have kept that person’s difficult behavior at bay, it has not really changed anything. This individual is still being difficult and perhaps even disrespectful. You may have spent some time reflecting on that recently, and so it might be time to try a different way of handling this person. Don’t be afraid to do that. The next time, demand the respect you deserve, and don’t accept anything less.

Leo | 7/23-8/22

You may have a strong difference of opinion with someone in your social circle. It might be so different that when they express their views, you cringe. You don’t want to start trouble, dear Leo, and so when you hear this person talk about what they believe, you remain silent. This might imply, however, that you agree with them – and that might actually bother you. If you need to show that you do not agree, then you certainly can. If you feel that need now, try to express yourself in a respectful and diplomatic manner, letting the other person know where you stand. It doesn’t necessarily have to become contentious.

Virgo | 8/23-9/22

Admitting to being wrong about something is not a weakness, Virgo. While you may want others to see that you are knowledgeable and capable, you may have questions or uncertainties about something you have recently become involved in. To that end, you may be determined not to show any signs of weakness. However, asking questions or sharing that you don’t know something, or you are uncertain about something is definitely not a sign that you are incompetent or incapable. If anything, it shows that you are confident and secure enough to ask questions. Remind yourself of this, this month.

Libra | 9/23-10/22

There are moments in life where it’s easy to be happy. When things are going well, happiness can be automatic. When your relationships are good, and you aren’t facing financial problems, and things are going well in important areas of your life, happiness happens naturally. When things are challenging, however, happiness and joy might be absent – but you can’t rely on the circumstances of your life to be happy, Libra. During those times of difficulty, you have to make the conscious choice to be happy. If you’re struggling in some way now, choose happiness and it will choose you back. Seeking inspiration to be happy has the incredible power to turn things around for the better.

Scorpio | 10/23-11/21

A change of scenery could be very good for you this month, Scorpio. That might mean a literal change of scenery, where you seek out a new place to spend a few days. Or it might be changing something about your routine, or what you had planned for the month. You may be stuck in a negative mindset, or you might be frustrated by certain circumstances that you’re dealing with, and leaving that behind for a few days could be restorative and inspiring. If you can, you are encouraged to give it a try.

Sagittarius | 11/22-12/21

Another person’s solution to a problem might not work for you this month. You may be turning to someone you respect and admire to seek out advice for settling an issue that has been challenging for you, perhaps for a while. However, Sagittarius, just because a particular solution worked for this person in a similar situation, does not mean it will automatically work for you too. You are certainly creative, innovative, and intelligent enough to brainstorm your own approach to this. Give that a good try this month!

Capricorn | 12/22-1/19

Try to step back from an opportunity that has been presented to you, or that you are pursuing. You may be so enmeshed in what you can visualize for this chance that you are not seeing it clearly. When you are too close to something, you can miss some of the details – and the details will be very important in this, Capricorn. Taking a few steps back will allow you to observe things more objectively, which will mean the difference between diving in blindly, and knowing what you’re getting into.

Aquarius | 1/20-2/18

The old “Wild West” as well as Victorian times are often romanticized in film and in stories. It seems like it must have been fascinating and exciting to live through those experiences. It probably was on some level. Yet at the same time, it was extremely difficult – hygiene, medical care, living conditions – there were so many things that modern-day people would have a hard time enduring. Are you romanticizing an opportunity you recently received, or an idea you wish to explore? Before you say yes to anything, Aquarius, do some research with a cold head and make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Pisces | 2/19-3/20

You may be wondering why you can’t get past a recent bad break, Pisces. Or perhaps a few bad breaks. You may be turning it inward, feeling unlucky, and perhaps feeling as though it is something you deserve because you don’t feel worthy. However, it may be self-blame and lack of faith in yourself that are causing certain seemingly unlucky things to happen in your life. Sometimes life hands us lemons, and maybe you’ve had a few recently – but you can rise above this by addressing the issues optimistically and recognizing your worth. Things will turn around once you do.