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Politipoll: November 21st-24th 2024

Harry Kennedy Avatar

The Governor and Legislature

In a new record, 87% of respondents have reported Approval for Governor Barbant’s administration. This is the new highest reported approval for any governor ever in the states history.

Legislative approval has also increased after the sudden special election which occurred earlier this month. With just under 50% at 47.8% of respondents reporting approval for the current legislature. There was also an improvement amongst Satisfaction, with respondents rating the Governor 8.91 stars out of 10, and rating the Legislature a 6.15 stars.

Governor Satisfaction

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Legislative Satisfaction

Rating: 6 out of 10.

The Governors high approval is significantly improving trust across the whole of Government. Allowing (for the first time) more then half of respondents to report that they trust the government.

The Departments

(this chart is best viewed on desktop, as its very crowded)

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