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Victor Dee Major wins Landslide Presidential Victory.

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The United States has voted for Victor Dee Major, in a 420 Electoral Vote landslide against the alternative Grais S. Greenr.

Sweeping states by a storm, President-Elect Major brought many voters to their side, over the course of the campaign.

In a victory speech at the Major Campaign headquarters in Washington Beach in Vice City, the President-Elect said they wanted to bring about sweeping changes and improve the lives of Americans across all the states and territories.

Victor Dee Major won the 70 Electoral votes from San Andreas.

The President-Elect is expected to visit our small island-state in the near future on their Great American Victory Tour.

The President-Elect is visiting the state they performed the best in, including New Alexandria, San Andreas, Alderney, Liberty and Leonida.

Las Venturas and North Yankton saw major swings against President-Elect Major, and have been left out from the tour.

This Major Victory is a huge upset for the alternative, Grais S. Greenr who ran a strong but troublesome campaign littered with controversy and backlash. The main upset was when Mr Greenr was spotted eating the toppings of a deep-dish pizza with a spoon in the suburbs of Alderney City.

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