Thirty tried, only seven remain. Now its the citizens turn to pick the future State Flag.
Voting is now open, and will close at 4pm on Friday. You can vote on the Government Website, from any functioning desktop computer.
Seven options have been finalized by the Executive Branch. In their released order, and anonymized here are the contenders.
Option One

Comprised of ‘Fire Bush,’ ‘Flush Mahogany’ and White. This striking flag bring a balance between the traditional and the unique.
Like spokes, the center of the Poppy radiates out into eight petals, and six complimentary stars adjoin bars on the side.
Option Two

Realism takes hold as the stare of the Mountain Lion gazes upon the viewer, with the stark Mount Chiliad rising above the clouds and the sky blue background.
The strong gold tone of ‘Tiger Eye’ forms the north and south of this artistic piece with two blue stars lighting up the sky.
Option Three

Traditional and newly bold. While similar to the current flag, the Mountain Lions presence amongst the Scarlet red poppies brings the newly appointed mascots of our state together.
Surrounded by luscious green and tall mountains, This feels like home but with a new bold take.
Option Four

Strong, Defined and Artistic. This flag brings a new take on what flag design should look like. Instead of simplicity and geometry, the artist has dived into painting a scenic picture onto the flag.
The bold mountain lion takes its pose amongst the poppies, looking into the distance, and thinking of the future.
Option Five

Amongst friends, this flag joins the Union of Marine Blue amongst the states. The poppy is bold, centered and dignified.
Recognizable and contrasting, the Red and Blue is strongly patriotic, while presenting a new taste by using ‘Deep Carmine,’ instead of traditional Red.
Option Six

Reddish-Orange adorns this flag, as a strong symbol and attachment to the color of the poppy.
The seals Butterfly Blue contrast defines the center and ensures recognition and understanding. Inside the seal, Mt Chiliad rises out of the Alamo sea, with poppies in the foreground.
Option Seven

The Reddish-Orange ground also brings this flag to life, with the butterfly blue rising above the mountain into the sky, where a Lone-Star shines down on the state.
A prowling Mountain Lion takes center stage inside a poppy surrounded by their natural home of Mount Chiliad. Moving Forwards and progressing our state.
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