Live Video provided by Weazel News
The three candidates battling it out to become your next State Representative have gone head to head in a live debate hosted by Useless News’ Bill Smith.
Over a number of questions, the candidates had their chance to explain to voters, why they would be the best to elect.
Tommy Merlin painted a picture of stability and prior experience while both Hanji Takemura and James Hill painted themselves as a fresh voice that’s ‘surely’ needed for the state.
James Hill argued that his experience as a lawyer and “using legislation” every day makes him the best, also arguing that Tommy Merlin has [had his chance]
James Hill lobbied a “personal attack” on Hanji Takemura over a car sale which took place. With Mr Hill saying that []
Fixing DoCL was once again mentioned, with Hanji adding that some changes might be needed to make it easier. Lieutenant Governor Wyatt McKenzie asked Hanji what he wanted to see changed, with Hanji correcting saying that he wants a ‘working relationship’ with DoCL and that some processes might need to be streamlined.
Roman Rossi
And none of them ever think about having a conversation with DOCL before hand, learning there needs, and the things they have to do, to keep nearly 400 business functional, But you know, we love the quick Promises to voters
Harry Kennedy
Special Guest K9 Luna has asked a question to the candidates at the Representatives Debate
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