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Gupta takes charge of the Judiciary

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Justice Rajesh Gupta has won the Chief Justice Election.

Kylian Clarkson’s sudden departure sent shock-waves across the Judiciary. While Clarkson had confirmed he was going to retire in November, his sudden departure in October made way for a new Chief Justice to be elected.

In a statement, Chief Justice Rajesh Gupta said;

Hello all, I have had the honor of being elected the new Chief Justice of the State of San Andreas. I have very large shoes to fill, taking over the mantle from Chief Justice Clarkson. I aim to continue running the Judiciary so it functions as best as possible, and delivers justice impartially, diligently, and efficiently.

I look forward to working with those in the Judiciary, The Government, the Cabinet, the Legal System, and the people of the great State of San Andreas. Together, I believe we can address the challenges we face and reinforce a foundation of trust, accountability, and excellence for the people of San Andreas.

Chief Justice Rajesh Gupta

Shout News is yet to learn of the formal tally of results from the Chief Justice Election.

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