
Politipoll: September 26th-28th 2024

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Lets take a dive into what the State is currently saying about the candidates for the 2024 October Regular Election.

October Election Polling

Governors Election

Our polling indicates a very strong lead for Jeremy Barbant over Vincent Creed.

If replicated in an election, this would be an overwhelming and record result for any single candidate ever.

Strong name recognition is attributed to Barbant’s success in this polling. But will it translate to a sweeping victory?

Among the different voting bases, Creed is performs better with Bright-Starr voters and engaged respondents who have voted previously. However the data indicates a sea of Barbant voters across all the different demographics.

Representative Election

What this polling suggests is three very clear front-runners and a battle for preferences to reach 4th and 5th place.

Purely on first preferences alone, if this polling was reflected on election day, Jessica Valentino, Kieren Graveshaw and Damien Flippinton would have the numbers and support to be elected (a candidate requires 16.7% of the vote.) What happens after that remains up to the voters preferential choices.

We were unable to suggest who 4th and 5th would be, due to how close the preference flows were.

The Governor and Legislature

1/4 respondents now trust the government, as Governor Marino’s approval declines slightly, and satisfaction remains stagnant.

Most Liam Cavanagh voters overwhelmingly disapprove of the governor, while most Ella Bright-Starr voters remain undecided or approving of the governor. Amongst those who are politically disengaged, remain mostly undecided.

The Departments

One response

  1. Anon Avatar

    As long as we don’t have Tommy Merlin stealing money from the government we’re gonna be fine

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