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Chief Justice Clarkson announces new court standards and timed trials

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Chief Justice Kylian J. Clarkson has announced new court procedures instated by the San Andreas Judiciary, with the aim of allowing for quicker trials and less bureaucracy. Under this new procedure, bench trials are limited to a maximum of one hour, with half an hour allocated to the prosecution and defense. For criminal proceeding trials, the duration is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Capital charge proceeding trials, with the highest burden of proof and potential stakes for the suspect, are limited to three hours and fifteen minutes.

These time limits will be monitored by the judge or court clerk, who will alert both the prosecution and the defense should the time limits approach. However, sanctions or contempt will not be issued if the limits are exceeded. It’s not clear what happens if these new guidelines are consistently unmet by the courts.

In August, Chief Justice Clarkson wrote that “The state of the Judiciary is strong.” As of the most recent PolitPoll, the Judiciary is enjoying a 55% approval rate from the public; this makes the Judiciary the second most approved government department, behind San Andreas Medical Services 78% approval rate.

The full statement from Chief Justice Clarkson can be found below.

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