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Politipoll: August 23rd-25th 2024

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Here is our fortnightly look into the thoughts and feelings of our fellow citizens! If you missed this weeks legislative update, check out the political wrap from reporter Casper Mintz.

The Governor and Legislature

The Governors approval has dropped to 13.3% with respondents suggesting they are still not sure if the governor has completely cut ties with the embattled Feline Party. There are also concerns about the governors lack of action in general.

Some have also suggested the lack of executive orders being a key indicator of the Governors absence from the role. There was also concern about the pardoning of former politician, and current Shout News political commentator, Becks Lawson.

This drop is also seen in the satisfaction measure, dropping slightly to 3.64 out of 10. Down from 3.93 out of 10 from three weeks ago.

The legislatures satisfaction has improved to 5.07 out of 10. With Respondents indicating they are content with the level of activity from the legislature, but still wishing they would do more.

The overall trust in government has slightly improved, however remains ever so stagnant.

The Departments

Significant improvements in the image of police has contributed to a major shift in approval over recent months with at least 1 in 3 respondents now saying they are satisfied, to some capacity, with Law Enforcement.

There have also been improvements in approval for every other department we record, except DoCL due to their business applications remaining closed while the departments goes through a backlog of requests.

For the first time in months, more than 50% of respondents are satisfied with the Judiciaries on-going operations. A contributing factor is Chief Justice Clarkson’s commentary about the state of the Judiciary.

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One response

  1. Anon Avatar

    Tommy Merlin still a lame duck state Representative defrauding the government

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