
Promising lead and likely candidates, here is the latest polling

Harry Kennedy Avatar

The May-June election is well under way, and with only two Governor candidates left, it’s now a head to head battle to the finish line. There is also a clear polarisation between the two candidates when it came to respondents’ choices on State Representative candidates.

Shout News can reveal that the leading candidate for Governor is Ella Bright-Starr leading with 60% of respondents primary vote against Liam Cavanagh’s 40% This is a substantial lead, but one that can quickly change in under a week.

Ella Bright-Starr voters were more likely to come from an apolitical background, with ~50% saying they didn’t vote in the last general election. 25% said they had voted for Damien Key and 25% said they had voted for Becks Lawson.

These voters were more likely to be business owners, and those in the creative and entertainment fields.

Worryingly, 23% of respondents were unsure if they were going to vote this way on election day. 30% of Ella supporters were happy with their candidates policies. 39% were unsure.

Liam Cavanagh voters were more likely to have come from a politically engaged background, and previously voted for Damien Key with nearly half saying they had voted for the current Governor.

These voters were more likely to be police officers, lawyers or other types of government employees.

Almost all respondents who put Cavanagh first said they were certain in their choices but only 18% were 'happy' with Cavanagh's policies.

Robert Muratori leads the pack when it comes to first preferences with nearly half of all respondents picking this candidate first, followed by Emilie and Astra Lillegård-Marino.

Jack Burton and Cassie Kendrick are the final-two top-five favourites.

Cassie Kendick and Tommy Merlin don't have the strong first-preference support to get them elected in the first round, however they might have the preference flows to get them across the line.

There was serious concern from respondents about the lack of policies being announced by the legislative candidates.

A majority of respondents were concerned with the fact they don't know what the candidates would do if they were elected, and as a result they were putting them last.

Multiple participants brought up the fact that this race feels like a popularity contest, with the big names being well known and therefore more likely to be elected.

Overall this is shaping up to be a very complex election season, where voters remain concerned about effective representation from both the Governor candidates and Representative candidates.

5 responses

  1. Sho Avatar

    Cassie Kendrick is the state prosecutor who allegedly unlawfully violated the rights of defendants by pursuing first degree murder charges that lacked probable cause and forced them to pay $69,000 each in bail money. Not someone I would recommend to be given the trust of making laws.

    1. Atticus Goodman Avatar
      Atticus Goodman

      Cassie Kendrick is hardly the fault for that. Considering I was the judge that sat on that case, it was more of the Prosecution and police not communicating and ensuring that the right evidence was submitted. More a lack of doing their homework versus violating someone’s rights.

      1. Michael Reed Avatar
        Michael Reed

        Weren’t you disbarred from the judiciary?

  2. Anon Avatar

    I sincerely hope people have changed their minds about Ella since last nights debate. What a catastrophe for her and the furry party as a whole.

    What’s insane for me is if she and her friends get in, they’ll be the strongest gang in the State. Governor and Lt Gov, 3 State Reps.. They’re monopolising the government with cat ears and nonsense statements and policies and throwing around some generic GPT buzzwords during the debate. Unreal.

  3. Concerned Citizen Avatar
    Concerned Citizen

    Our choices for gov are bad, or worse. God help this state.

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