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Get your Marriage Licenses and confirm your Power of Attorney

Harry Kennedy Avatar

With the passing of H.R. 329, the Judiciary has announced that the facilitation of Power of Attorney requests is now operational. The Power of Attorney is the legal authorisation for a designated person to make decisions about another person’s property, finances, or medical care. Its a very serious process and something you should seek legal advice about before proceeding.

The authorisation process takes place over three steps.

  • Initiation of Request, by completing the application form
  • A Hearing, when the application is approved
  • Approval and Finalisation, upon a successful demonstration of understanding and agreement by both parties

There is a small processing fee of $500.

The Judiciary is also reminding newly-weds and already married couples that they can pick up their physical marriage licenses. They come in a beautiful wooden frame which you can hold, display or place on your wall in your home.

For more information please contact a court clerk.

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