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Politipoll: March 22nd – 24th

Harry Kennedy Avatar

Governors Approval

Governor Key’s approval has declined to a new low of 27.5% With 35% of respondents undecided and 37.5% of respondents disapproving of the Governor. This dramatic shift can be solely attributed to the Presidential Intervention by President Reeves regarding the appointment of Sheriff Stevens. A drop in satisfaction can also be attributed to this appointment, falling from 5.14 / 10 to

4.13 / 10

Legislature Approval and Satisfaction

Legislative performance decreases to an average of

3.38 / 10

The performance rating has also been affected the Presidential intervention, along with the no-vote which caused the intervention. Some respondents blamed the Legislature for not doing its job when it comes to nominations, citing some online commentary.

This is no longer a Democracy. "President" Archibald Reeves has sown chaos and further distrust into the government as a whole, leaving a lingering feeling of uselessness behind with our legislators.

Politipoll Respondent

My answer to the question "Out of 10, Are you Satisfied with how the Legislature is Running?" would be a 0 but I decided to bump it up solely due to the fact that Lucas Evans was the only rep to vote yes for Chris Stevens becoming Sheriff. The results of that vote were an absolute joke.

Politipoll Respondent

Additional Questions

The departments have been gaining some improvements to their satisfaction with gains in all three measured areas.

Law Enforcements dissatisfaction has increased due to the US Marshal raids in recent weeks.

The judiciary has seen satisfactory improvements, and remains stable.

DOCL satisfaction has improved on last weeks with 42.5% being satisfied with the departments operations.

Trust in Government has decreased again with 52.2% outright saying they do not trust the government. 30% are unsure/maybe and only 17.5% have trust in Government.

Only 30% of respondents approved about the Presidential appointment of BCSO Sheriff Chris Stevens. With 55% not supporting the decision and 15% remaining undecided.

45% of respondents approved of the Mask Mandate bill and only 12.5% believe that the speed limits on highways is too high.

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2 responses

  1. anonymous Avatar

    > Chris Stevens thanks the President for “enacting whats best for the people.”
    > The people didn’t want Chris Stevens to be appointed Sheriff.

    Whether the legislators were elected or not, the will of the people is clear. Chris Stevens should not have been appointed, and that’s even clearer now. Clearer than ever.

  2. […] a move which only 30% of San Andreas citizens supported, the United States President directly intervened in state-affairs by overruling the […]

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