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Participate in Your Democracy

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Its election day, and you want to know how to vote? Well here is how to cast your ballot in whatever election is going on.

Step 1: Do your research

Its important to know who you are voting for. News outlets, including Shout News, will have information about the candidates and what they stand for. There has also been a debate where the candidates have been asked questions by a moderator and the public during a live broadcast. It’s a good idea to research before you arrive, so you have an idea on who you want to vote for before you get to the voting booth.

Step 2: Come to City Hall

Don’t know where City Hall is? That’s okay! City Hall is located in Rockford, just to the north of the Los Santos Downtown Area.

There is public parking located out the front and back, and EV chargers to the left and right of the building.

Step 3: Find the voting station and VOTE!

The voting booths are located on the right side from the main entrance.

You can approach any available poll worker behind the desks and ask them for a ballot.

They will hand you a clipboard with two pieces of paper, one tall piece of paper with all the candidates (and their party affiliations in brackets) and another one, larger piece of paper with the rankings and candidates. All you need to do is rank the candidates in your preferred order from the tall piece of paper and put the candidate name on the larger piece of paper. Its not final, you can re-order them after moving them across.

Some important things about voting…

  • You don’t need to preference every single candidate (But you must preference at least one)
  • When you have completed your voting, you will receive an email with your temporary voter ID. When the results are released after election night, you will be able to check that your vote was correctly tabulated.

Once you have finished ordering you’re candidates, in the preference you want them to receive your vote, you will hand the papers back to the ballot officer. After this you may leave

Please remember, State Law prevents anyone from campaigning during the voting period.

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