The Election is on! 5 Candidates will battle it out to join for one seat at the Legislative Table. The catch is a extremely short campaigning period to convince YOU to vote for them. Here is what they stand for.
The candidate list in alphabetical order. The answers were provided by the candidate themselves. Answers have been edited for length and clarity.
Adam Wangler
My name is Adam Wrangler, I own a few businesses, and invest in other businesses. My primary businesses that are I own and operate are Turbo Carnival and Paleto Pets. I’ve run for election multiple times, and generally I like helping people grow and prosper in this great state.
Be innovative, get flexible. Things are always changing in this state, and sometimes politics is a lot. It’s hard to keep track of, but things always need to be changing according to what the people want. The most important thing is making sure everyday people can live their lives without a feeling of overt government presence, for one. For example, too many laws that are strict against the people. It’s important to make sure people get the help they need without feeling too much of the hand of the government.
Another part of my platform is business growth and development — making sure people are able to prosper. I know I’ve helped the northern region of the state, Paleto Bay, turn from a smaller town with fledgling businesses into a prosperous town that grossed tens of millions of dollars in revenue last year.
My favourite part of my platform is animal rights. I’m a big animal rights guy, that’s why I own a pet store. I love animals. As much as the safety of people is important, the safety of animals is also important.
Most Important Issue:
I know [a big issue] recently was the death penalty, I know opinions are all over the place on that one.
But speaking to people, I know there are a lot of traffic issues with zoning changes and what not. I’ve run speed limits where, I don’t know what exists anymore. It’s difficult to tell, and why are things changing without the people being told? When things come down, people need to hear about it, and it’s not just — oh, the next thing I know, I’m facing a citation or a jail sentence even for something that wasn’t a law yesterday.

Jack Burton
My name is Jack Burton, I’ve been in the city for a little over two years now. I’ve lived through Mutiny. For a while there, I was with the Public Defender’s Office. Got as far as Assistant State Defender before I stepped away from that to go into a private practice sort of thing with Paxton & Paxton. Outside of that, just got back from some travels and right now I am currently working as the assistant to state representative Emilie Paxton.
I want to help the people. As a public defender, I have a unique perspective on how certain individuals get through their day to day. I’ve met a lot of people through this, not just people who have gone through the wrong side of the law, I’ve met a lot of people from the police departments — not all of them are bad, some may disagree with me — a lot of members of the Department of Justice — again, not all of them are bad. Ultimately, my goal is to help people any way I can. It can be as simple as giving them a ride or being an ear they can talk to and dump their problems on, and I can provide any assistance or aid I can do that, and as a legislator it grants you a little bit more power to do that.
Most Important Issue:
Depending on who you ask, and this will be popular and unpopular opinion with a number of people who may vote for me — I still think PD transparency is one of the most important issues. It’s front and center at town hall meetings, at state rep meetings, there’s been a number of articles about it, and there are voices on the street calling for answers. If I’m not the one to address it, it’ll be taken care of by the people in the legislature. The people want more transparency.

Josive Dracul
I am Josive Dracul, known as the original cat man, and also known as Grandpa Kitty in some circles. I’m known as Dad Cat in the family, and an all around nice guy.
I’m sure you’ve seen my ads on Twitter. While they say “hold law enforcement accountable”, I’m not talking about LSPD, BCSO, Troopers, or even the Marshals. I’m talking about [the Department of Corrections]. I’ve been through the system – I’m not going to lie – but I’ve seen things and heard from people, and we’ve seen citizens on Yeeter asking “What’s wrong with this image?” We need to separate prisoners, and we can’t keep putting non-threatening, innocent, low-level criminals with hardened criminals who are ready to fight with every word. A lot of these prisoners coming in that are first-timers or low level criminals aren’t coming in to get jumped on, they’re coming in to serve their time. We need to protect our prisoners’ rights, and at this time, we’re not.
Most Important Issue:
The most important issue facing the state right now is that checkpoint bill coming through. If I get voted in, I will vote against it, because it makes no sense. It has so many avenues for the police to abuse it, and so many ways that our citizens who may not be doing anything wrong can be harassed by the system meant to protect them. I don’t agree with it. I think the police here are a little overzealous, but I also see that we have citizens that are also overzealous. What I mean by that is that both sides get really amped up at stops, and it can lead from a simple warning to a citation to getting hauled in because they up’ed that ante. It’s a systemic problem, of “I feel I’m in the right,” when neither side is in the right. We have to meet in the middle and come at it with a calm and peaceful view. Is there a problem to solve? Yeah. Do I think checkpoints will solve it? No. Do I know what that solution is? No, I’ll have to sit down with the other representatives and figure out what that could be.
After re-reading my platform and hearing how others took what my platform was, I want to make it clear that I’m here to work with and not against the Department of Correction. They were given the ability to work but then never given the chance to work out what they needed from the legislatures. It is time that we help them and those inside and not leave them to be stranded. With that stated, my current platform is very simple and straight forward. With a single observation of our current incarceration system in the city, it currently does not take into consideration the low-level criminals that are getting sent into Boilingbroke. The current system that is set in place right now has people that are sent in for small crimes, such as possession, lumped into the same areas with serial murders and lifers. What I plan to do is work with the DoC to rework on how our current system is for the prison. Make it safer for all involved, both citizens and staff alike.
Follow up statement to Shout News

Konrad Knives
My name is Konrad Knives, I am a singer and musician. I’ve been active in the state for three years. I’m running for state representative in this special election because I’ve been discouraged and demoralized as a citizen of the state seeing the results of this congress so far. With Joanna Poole being the only legislator who reliably shows up and gets work done, it’s clear that the public needs to step up. I’m a hard working individual who’s made a name for himself in the city’s competitive music industry, and I want to use the skills I’ve earned to make the state better.
As an outsider, it seems clear that there are bills that are built to protect the police. I think there are pieces of legislation that are causing problems for the average person, and I want to take a look and see what I can identify on that front. I also want to take a look at police transparency and the current Internal Affairs department. At the end of the day, politicians make promises, but don’t keep them. But I’m not a standard politician, and I’m not beholden to keep the cops or anyone else happy — you can trust me to get to the bottom of these issues.
Most Important Issue:
Police accountability and reform.

Tommy Legend
My name is Tommy Legend, I am currently in the running for the open spot on the state representative table. I have been a member of the state for two and a half years. Before that, I lived in Vegas, born and raised there before moving here. In my history, I have been many things: championship fighter, mechanic, to motorcycle club member. Most recently, wheelchair bound thanks to an unfortunate incident on my motorcycle. Aside from that, my hobbies include hunting, fighting, motorcycles, muscle trucks, guns, just your standard every day citizen stuff.
My platform is that I want to remove any potential barriers against the average blue collar and white collar worker and business owner from doing work that they love. Be it members from the public that want to help with our santiation systems, to those who supply our shelves with fresh fish and game, including our tow specialists, the people at Public Works. If you use your hands to make a living, I want to support that, however I possibly can.
Aside from that, given the recent state of San Andreas and its leanings towards the people, I aim to push legislation that hopefully gives the citizenry the transparency they’re looking for in our law enforcement branches, as well as putting the brakes to what many citizens feel is a police state.
Most Important Issue:
The most important issue is over-reach of the police’s enforcement tactics and their inability to face repercussions for their actions. It seems like there isn’t much accountability for the injuries and the gross overuse of force in their tactics in apprehending criminals, to the point where it is a detriment to law-abiding citizens who get in their way.

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