Politipoll opened up once again, receiving a number of responses about our government.
Governors Approval
Governor Key’s approval has shifted since the election, falling by 15.2% to 34.8%
In this poll, respondents rated Governor Key’s performance a
5.13 / 10
This is a decrease from the 5.69 reported just before the January Election.
We are able to infer that the resignation of Link Jordins has contributed heavily to this decline, along with some to this decline.
Legislature Approval and Satisfaction
The legislatures approval has dropped significantly since the start of the new congress
4.30 / 10
this is a very sharp decline from 5.6 in January.
Based on comments left by respondent, there are varying reasons to why legislative satisfaction and approval has dropped.
With some arguing that only one of the representatives is actually doing anything, and others suggesting that this could be the most inactive congress yet. Some others also raised concern that the representatives didn't have to campaign to be elected.
Other Questions
Overall operational satisfaction for departments remain low, with a majority being unsatisfied with both the Police and the Judiciary.

Our survey found that trust in government has increased slightly, as more people affirm a position.
However there has been a giant increase in the 'No" position since December with the latest results showing 47.2% do not trust the San Andreas Government.
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