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City of Crime: is it on the decline?

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Shout News has spent the last month tabulating and crunching numbers to bring you the crime statistics for 2023… well most of 2023, we don’t have the data for December.

This is part one of a release, the next part will focus on location rather then time.

What we have been able to infer is that there has been a general stagnation in charges made against citizens, however there have been some spikes in June, July, October and November.


Overall, justice related offences remain the biggest contributor to the criminal case load in the state, with a majority of offences each day being related to fleeing from police, either by vehicle or by foot.

Theft also makes up a lot of the crimes committed daily, with a higher average of theft related crimes being committed. Overall the rate of theft has remained the same but has decreased since 2022. ATM robberies charges are on the rise while other types of robbery are stagnant or on the decline.

The murder charge rate has remained similar to 2022 levels, except for a spike between June and July. The murder charge rate has very much declined from pre-munity levels.

In comparison to 2022, and 2021 Crime was lower, with only (on average) 87.36 charges being made per day compared to 2022's 100.69 charges per day. Crime significantly decreased over 2022, especially after the Mutiny crisis of June 2022.

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