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Audrey Storm nominated as next Lt. Governor

Becks Lawson Avatar

In the wake of Gracie McCoy’s resignation from the Lt. Governor position, the citizens of San Andreas are waiting to see who takes her place. Governor Key has nominated her replacement: Audrey Storm, a former State Representative best known for her work on the Victims’ Rights Act.

The Governor stated to Shout News that he would provide further comment in an official press release to be provided by the government. We will update this article when that comment is available.

Storm is a long-time resident of the state, and an entrepreneur formerly behind the Vixen Cabaret business. She also has experience working as a nurse with San Andreas Medical Services. She was first elected during a Special Election under the banner of the Progress Party. (Editorial disclosure: Becks Lawson and Audrey Storm served together in the Progress Party.) Her history in both government roles and private enterprise should equip her well for the role of Lt. Governor, pending approval from the majority of the Legislature.

As of the 22nd of Feb, the Federal Government has vetoed this nomination.

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One response

  1. […] to even nominate a new Lt. Governor after his running mate Gracie McCoy stepped down in February. Key did nominate Audrey Storm for the position, who was vetoed in February. That failure was seemingly enough for him to abandon the position. The […]

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